Friday 13 November 2009

Don't turn around

Wake up this morning with the realisation that my head seems to have been stuck on backwards. Numerous though the advantages of this may be (watch Groundforce from the comfort of an armchair without actually seeing any of it, frighten small children with cries of "do you think I have eyes in the back of my head?? Oh look, i do.....whoooooo, ) it actually hurts. Husband offers twist it back into place with his healing hands. Reject him immediately and remind him of his last attempt with those lethal weapons when poor Winnie the Pooh came, shall we say, unstuck. Said toy emerged as a lovely 'new' pyjama case......who needs stuffed toys? Everyone needs a furry bag witha large hole in the back to store their pyjamas..........We are nothing if not resourceful in our house.

Morning mood is helped immensely by 4 year old - "mummy, why do you have a cat on your head? ". Note to 35 year old self - deep conditioner alone does not a Claudia Schiffer lookalike make. And as for 'love is the message and the message is love'....they clearly don't have the rellies taking up residence. More opium vicar?

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